Mahrukh Imtiaz

S1-EP008: Finding Your Niche with Victoria Melchor – Part 2

“You just never know what’s in store for you when you are travelling the path of what your highest destiny or what your soul wants for you” – VICTORIA MELCHOR

#008 – In this episode, Victoria and I discuss balancing research and experimentation when it comes to creating content.  We talk through sprints, writing better copy and how to unlock your creative genius.

Hope you enjoy the episode!

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Highlights from this episode: 

[2:00] Should we do some research before? Or should we just start creating?
[4:00] Example of Sprints for content creators
[5:28] How do you experiment, research, and take action at the same time
[9:48] How can you write a better copy?
[13:15] Your Niche could be your younger self
[19:15] Can one work on being creative?
[28:39] Advice to your younger self

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A little bit about the guest:

Victoria is a Growth Marketing and Conversion Optimization specialist and has been in the world of sales and marketing for the last 7 years and counting. Victoria is one of the bravest people I know – she quit her job in the middle of the pandemic while dealing with the grief of the death of her mom and her dog, who was 14 years old.

It’s not only her courage that is so attractive but also her ability to take shitty websites and turn them into something amazing. She designed my website!

Resources mentioned:
Free website Audit by Victoria


Mahrukh Imtiaz  

When doesn’t know like they’re like, I wish I was a bit more creative. Would you recommend that they get a book and then just start writing or sketchbook to just start drawing or maybe like a recorder and record like, is that where I start?

Victoria Melchor  

I would start with stop saying you’re not creative.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

You are listening to the Spicy Chai podcast. I’m your host, Mahrukh Imtiaz. And I’m on a journey to create inspiring, helpful, and meaningful content. This podcast is not going to showcase high-profile individuals spouting college advice like find your passion or hustling harder. Instead, my mission is to bring you the voices of people who are just a bit ahead of you. People you can relate to, and the people who will inspire you to put your own voice out there. 

So grab your cup of Spicy Chai, and let’s get the show started. 

Welcome to episode eight, we are still talking to our guest Victoria Melchor. And in Episode Seven, which was part one of this series, Victoria talks about how she made the decision to follow her heart. Then she talks about her journey to us and what user experiences UX is how it can apply to content creators and what you can do if you’re getting started on a blog tomorrow. 

The episodes are not related. But if you want to listen in on everything that I mentioned right now go listen to episode seven, part one. And here’s part two is where do how do people know how important is this part before you actually start creating? 

You know, because you mentioned at the beginning too, like there’s part of it is where you are doing the research and there’s part of it where you are experimenting. So it’s someone who’s just like starting off creating a blog like yourself or like for me who just started off TikTok six months ago. Do I like someone starting within two weeks? Should they invest time doing this research? Or do they just start creating and then doing the side-by-side? Like do you think there’s some significance to doing this beforehand? Or is it okay to do it side by side too? Or is it okay to do it six months later, as well? Like, what are your thoughts on that?

Victoria Melchor  

There is no right answer to that, because there is people who will get it right without putting in the time to do the research. And I’ve actually I’ve worked with people who wanted to hire me as a as a UX designer, well, I actually didn’t work with them, because they wanted to skip the research part because they wanted to put in all this time into building something that may or may not be something that you can validate, right. And valid is owed to me, I would always start with the research side of things. Because it gives you more accurate data of what you’re working with. Whereas if you start with without doing research, then you are just starting making assumptions, which is fine. Because again, you can still get it right if you make assumptions. And if you if you are familiar with the sprints with sprints, they’re basically the research process. But instead of doing the lengthy, lengthy part of research, you’re really just working through a project process of trial and error. And the reason they’re called sprints is because it’s quick, it’s you’re just like, Okay, this worked this great. This didn’t work. Great. And we move on. Right?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

What are sprints? Like? Could you could you explain that? 

Victoria Melchor  

I don’t know how to describe them. It’s basically the design process. So the design process involves, you know, the, the research, that designing for user and then testing with the users, you know, making sure everything’s working, et cetera, et cetera, but the sprint, but that process can take, it can take months, right? So when you do a sprint, you’re really just testing and then improving based on the feedback you’re getting from the test as you’re running.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

So if I understand it correctly, it could be something like for me, I’m gonna make 20 Tick Tock videos in the next seven days. And every day, I’m going to make two and then once I’m done 20, I’m going to see what worked and what didn’t, is that a sprint? More or less? Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah. Because you’re, like, some defined time around defined targets, to just experiment.

Victoria Melchor  

Right? And you’re, and you’re grabbing that as feedback, and then you’re improving upon what you’ve learned. And you go from there. Right? And so,


Mahrukh Imtiaz  

And this, this, there might not be an answer to this question. But like, you know, so for someone who’s like, who’s creating like blogs, or posts, Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, Tik Tok videos, there’s already that pressure of I don’t know if I should record this, or if I should put put this out there. And then there’s this added thing of research, which is definitely extremely important. But there are people out there that say, Don’t procrastinate on things either. So where when people do get into that research part, or even apply the sprint methodology, which I think is great, because there should be some testing. Every time you’re creating if you want to be a content creator, full time if this is what Do you want to do? And if that’s where you’re getting? It’s I do agree you have to experiment and test. I do agree that you should do research. But do you have any, like, some sort of initial guidance on how much experimenting? How can people experiment and do research and create at the same time?

Victoria Melchor  

Well, that’s what the sprint is, right? Because if you’re creating something, and you’re creating, and you can start with the hypotheses, and you can start saying, if this happens when I do this, then XYZ, right? And then as you’re executing, then that’s actually your research. Right? Okay. So because you’re not, instead of doing the research beforehand, you’re just bringing it as part of your process. And honestly, as a content creator, like I understand that it’s what’s it called? Is something over perfection finish. For perfection. Is that what it’s called?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I know what you’re talking about. I can’t think of Yeah, so you procrastinate for Don’t be perfectionist, it just makes you a procrastinator. Well, perfection, perfection is an excuse for procrastinating. Something’s probably something like Oh,

Victoria Melchor  

exactly. And the point is that if you if you’re just trying to churn out content, and then this won’t make sense for you, because quite honestly, yeah, like you can’t, you know, there’s there’s a, there’s some use to do in the research or a little bit of research, because then you can know what people want it. But at the same time, there’s only so much you can do and you can also get lost in the research. So So I think that the Sprint’s more or like what them sprint methodology is a lot more helpful for a content creator, because you’re basically doing research as you’re testing, and you’re improving on whatever you’re testing with, with what you’re gathering from what the work that you did, right.


Mahrukh Imtiaz  

So just to completely break that down into some simple terms. A sprint for someone who’s posting on LinkedIn, or Instagram would look something like, I’m going to do one post a day for the next 30 days at, let’s say, a certain amount of time. And after 30 days, I’m going to say did I get that I’m going to see either if I got more comments, or if I got more followers, or if I just am able to get more reach on my posts. And that is like that would be an example of a sprint.

Victoria Melchor  

So two things to kind of address on that. So the first one is 30 days is too long for sprint, you want to do something more like a week or two weeks, probably long. Yeah. So that’s so the number one the short periods of time, that’s why it’s called a sprint, you know, I feel like a month is a marathon. The second thing we can I just had a brain fart and I’m trying to think of what I was gonna say about that, um

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Metrics? Or was it that I said one certain amount of time post every single day? Oh, yes.

Victoria Melchor  

So you want to get granular? Because posting is very general. And I think if you get a little more specific than that, so if you say if I post about a so what are you posting about? So maybe I’m posting like personal development? Yeah, you’re posting about a, then people are gonna like that. And I’m gonna get XYZ. Right? So that’s where your metrics come in. So like, more engagement, versus and then you can even get more granular than fitness. If I post about people who are on a weight loss journey, then I’m gonna see this, you know, so then you get more granular because that’s, fitness is still kind of generic. You want to get a look, that’s where the niching down comes in.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Right? No, I really liked that I really liked the some of the concepts. You mentioned, one, looking at your competitors to start when you started your journey. I’ve really liked the sprint. And there’s one more thing that you mentioned that I do the balance between research and experimentation, and also metrics, because again, so many times it is very important to record but it’s so if you want to grow in anything, you have to have metrics, and you have to have some sort of system in place for you to do research. I think I really liked that. And, you know, with, with this research with your blogs, with I mentioned earlier on as well, you’re very good at like taking websites and shady websites and making them really good. And you mentioned yourself that’s part of UX, right? Copy is a big part of websites and copies a big part of just content in general as well. So how do you what kind of stuff can you tell someone who wants to write better copy? How do you go about writing better copy?

Victoria Melchor  

So number one training. I think it’s very important to for example, I bought a course about persuasive writing, because I wanted to understand those concepts. So if there’s things that you feel like you could use to When your skill, then definitely you want to get that training. But again, don’t let that become your sort of like, that’s the only thing you do you get stuck doing that instead of actually going out and executing. So number that’s number one. Number two, is understanding your ideal client. And again, it goes back to those conversations that you if you have those conversations with people, then you know what they want, you know, what they’re looking for, you know, what their story is. And then your copy becomes about addressing number one, the pain points, number two, what they want. Number three, their challenges, things of the sort and ideas to address those. In a specific, I believe there’s a very specific, what’s it called, sequence that you can use. And, and you should be able to find on the internet, if you do like sequence of a sales page or something like that. And it’s very specific, like you start out with this, you see the continue with this, etc, etc. And if you compare sales pages for dog for products, and you’ll probably notice that they have a lot of the same, the same sequence, right?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

That’s fair, just kind of looking at what people are doing and how they’re kind of writing and also upgrading your own skills, taking courses, buying books, totally, totally get that. And there’s also part aside from copy, there’s also the brand piece, right, where you need to know how to brand yourself, when you’re putting yourself out there. And I know you speak a lot about getting to know your ideal client. But for someone, let’s say starting off, who doesn’t know their ideal client, and they haven’t started the journey of getting to know their ideal client, when they’re putting themselves out there. Do they even try to brand themselves? Or do they just kind of go with the flow and then figure it out? Later, I

Victoria Melchor  

I think I think I would go with the flow and figure it out. Because the thing is, again, you could you could stay in analysis paralysis forever, right? Like, I’m pretty familiar with that myself. So I’d rather go out there and throw myself in the water and learn as I go and learn what are people looking for as you’re going which is, again, the sprint mental methodology, basically, because you have to have at least a general idea. Right? You might not be super granular on your niche, kind of like I just did earlier, like went from fitness to people who are on a weight loss journey, or who want to, you know, because that’s somebody very different from somebody who works out because they want to be toned. Right? Right, somebody, and if you want to get a fitness journey, you want to get more granular than its moms who want to lose their baby weight kind of thing. Right? So, you know, but you only learn that from talking to people or from observing people or from observing answering the questions people have. But I think a lot of it too has to do with what you’re interested in. Because I don’t know that I could write about weight loss as somebody who doesn’t die it right. Or, you know, it doesn’t really work out. So you know, your audience, in a sense, I think comes down to what you do, which is I am my audience is me X months or X years ago,

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Right? Yeah, they like I’ve heard that a lot like your niche is, could be younger self, your younger self. It’s like, oh, younger mark is someone who’s gonna pay attention to my content. Because again, I want to be fitter. I want to be a content creator, I want to be a full time entrepreneur one day. And I’m definitely ahead. I’m not there yet. But I’m ahead of Mark five years ago. So yeah, I definitely agree. And on that point of like, you’ve from my conversation, like for our from our conversation, actually, it’s pretty apparent that it’s important to understand who you’re talking to, at a generic, like baseline level. There are so many people content creators out there, especially on platforms, like tick tock. They they’re creating, and they might have like, lots of followers like 20,000 30,000, just because the reach the platform has. But if I could, if I have were to have conversations with them, they won’t have a single clue on who their audience is, is how bad is that? Or like, how would you how do you think that might impact them? Or will that impact them at all? Or does it not matter? For some people? Like, could you talk a bit about that? I don’t I don’t,

Victoria Melchor  

I don’t think it’s a bad thing? I don’t I don’t know. They might not be. Maybe it doesn’t apply to them. You know, and the thing about this is that and that’s why I was saying earlier, you ask something along the lines of the way to approach the situation. And I’ll say, well, there really is no right answer. I just, you know, and then you have like Instagram models, whoever everybody loves to hate on them, because they’re beautiful, but they have like millions of followers. They do. Yeah. You know, and some of them might just do it because they just want to take pictures of themselves looking good. And that’s really and their audiences, maybe people who like to look at girls who look good, and you know, and that’s that’s, they don’t know that. I don’t know. I feel like it’s a disservice to them. That’s


Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Kind of what I was thinking. I’m thinking it might Yeah, Ask them when they actually want to monetize their brand. Because they think so all these extra million followers who are just following you, but you don’t really know what their voice is, you don’t really know why they’re following you. And it might also impact engagement. Right, like, on your pictures or your post? I don’t know. Yeah.

Victoria Melchor  

I mean, it just, they might not have the business savvy, I think I think knowing your audience, a lot of times it’s very business II term. So they might just not have the business. I’m wondering, maybe they could, you know, if I was, if I was one of them, maybe it’d be like, maybe I should sell with a cold wall calendar of myself right out on the beach house, in a really hot bikini, I don’t know, maybe they might try to do something like that. Or they might not. But then again, I feel like those people like, like chicks like that, they might get other kinds of deals. And that’s why they’re doing it. I think it comes down to why, what they’re trying to get out of it.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

And that’s the complicated stuff, right? It’s are not really complicated, but just different. It’s, it’s kind of difficult to understand why some people can still do well, from a follower perspective, like they can get lots of followers, despite really following the traditional, figure out your niche, do your ideal customer posts a certain way, record videos in a certain style, and they’re still getting ahead. But at least in my experience, from what I what I’ve seen, even people who have 10,000 20,000 followers, 50,000 million people who don’t really, they’re targeted, their content isn’t specific to something. It’s either they get annoyed, or the lack of engagement on their posts, or there’s only certain things they could do, or at that moment, they hire a business coach, because they have enough to be like, Alright, now, help me understand how I can monetize this. But when you kind of go through this process from early on, and you’ve done the hard work in the front, it could help you put yourself in a better position if you decide to monetize your content later on.

Victoria Melchor  

I think so too. Yeah. I ultimately I feel like it’s a disservice not knowing who your audience is, or, or why they’re following you. Yeah,


Mahrukh Imtiaz  

And that’s completely fair. Because I mean, at the end of the day, from at least from I mean, I was hearing Brene Brown podcast, and she said, Nobody who got famous, got famous because they wanted to get famous, you know, she’s like, you know, everyone that did did it, because they were trying to serve someone. She was like, she really wanted to get into people who felt a lot of shame and guilt. And she’s like, she didn’t want to be famous, but she did. So it just always reminds me is that people like really think about adding value to others are the ones in the long run, please get ahead. Who

Victoria Melchor  

Who know. And going back to Instagram models, like what kind of value are they providing? And that is a serious question. I’m not It’s not rhetorical, or I’m not mocking them. Like I’m seriously asking, like, what kind of value are they providing? Like, there’s dudes who, like, they just want to look at a pretty girl right now. And are chicks who are like, Oh, my gosh, she’s so hot. I want to be like her. Right? And, and that is a sort of value in itself through that is actually Yep. So it just, but if you don’t understand that, or if you don’t know how to monetize that, then that’s when it’s a disservice to you. And I think part of the monetization comes into understanding who your client is. Yeah. Or your audience, if you will.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Yeah, no, that’s good. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Another thing that I actually really want to touch base on is on your LinkedIn profile. It says, your creative genius. Yeah, and creativity are, the skill is something that a lot of people really want to have, or they really want you to we talked about innovation, you know, where you give people something. That’s why so many new videos get viral, because you give people something they didn’t even know they needed. And even if it’s for entertainment, but how does one work on that skill? Because there might be people who are like, Man, I wish I was a bit more creative to create content, but I don’t think I am can one work on that scale? And how does one work on that scale?

Victoria Melchor  

So, okay, so there’s, there’s two things that I have to say about that. So number one is I am privileged, I am lucky that I was born a very creative person, whatever that means, like, I really just, I it’s something that maybe I take for granted, and I shouldn’t because I but at the same time, it’s maybe something that other people can do, right? So the thing about it is that I also kind of just think outside the box a lot. And I do it naturally, because that’s who I am. So that’s I wanted to start with that because there’s, there’s things that we are naturally good at, and then there’s things you have to work out to get good at. And for me, creativity is just something that I’m good at naturally. I like and that’s part of it because I have a vivid imagination, like, like I’ll chart number one. Number two, I do believe everybody has the capacity of being creative. And creativity I think gets confused with art or being artsy. fartsy are being yeah

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Are like musical instruments. Yeah, yeah. And

Victoria Melchor  

And it’s not actually. Yes, it is. And it’s not. And I, because honestly, if you if you if you follow people who draw a lot of us, we’re good at it. I’m not as good at it as it could be as I wish you draw.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I’m horrible at it. I will draw but like, I don’t draw well, but but

Victoria Melchor  

How long have you been drawing? Two years? I’ve been drawing my whole life. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. Yeah, every time I look at art, from back in the day of mine, I’m like, oh, man, like there’s there’s a there’s a leap in skill. So it’s a skill that you work on. Right. So that’s why art to me creativity and art. Yeah, they’re related, but they’re not the same thing. Creativity, it’s, there’s it’s a mixture of thinking outside the box, in my opinion, but it also has an element of creating, you know, even the word sesame isn’t itself. So just creating is creativity in itself. And I think we’re, we might be a little bit too hung up on the idea that you have to create something that’s outside the box to, to go viral.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Right? Write it because

Victoria Melchor  

That’s what that’s what creativity means when Creativity to me, it’s just like, you’re, you’re creating, and you’re because, and a lot of it to me has to do with expressing what’s inside and giving birth to it out into the world. Right?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

So if someone doesn’t know like, they’re like, I wish I was a bit more creative. Would you recommend that they get a book and then just a writing or sketchbook to just start drawing or maybe like a recorder and record like, is that where I start?


Victoria Melchor  

I would start with Stop saying you’re not creative. Just taught us the power of language. Yeah, like, stop, stop with that. And then start maybe reframe that into like, I wonder where my creativity lies. Because to me, it’s funny, you mentioned the whole creative genius thing, because that was like back, was it maybe two years ago, when I was starting to apply for UX jobs. I was like, I made a an intention. And my intention was that I wanted to work on my zone of creative genius. That was my intention. Love. That’s why I’m saying it’s funny. You just never know what’s gonna happen. You gotta let the universe universe do its thing, right? Because you never know what’s going to happen. You set the intention, you let the universe do its thing. And that the term creative genius, genius actually comes from the principal at the work at the school, I used to work out. He, there’s these people he was touring. And he’s like, Okay, this is such and such office, and this is such and such and such and such. Oh, and that’s Victoria. She’s, this is where the creative genius happens. So, you know, such as how you were introduced? Yeah. So, yeah. And that was like, Holy shit, like I had wanted this. And here I am. Right? But were, you

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

But were, you mentioned, like two very powerful things, one power of language, making sure that we’re saying the right things rather than saying, Hey, I’m not creative. How do I get creative? Hey, where can I find my creative genius, I love that. And the second thing is universe is working for you. And for those four different people, that could mean different things. Some people believe in faith God, other spiritual gods, some people believe in the universe, it’s just kind of putting an intention out there, this is what I want. Like, I want to be a content creator, I want to be successful YouTuber, I want to be successful tick tock are doing the work every day, but also putting the intention out there to whatever higher power we believe in. So I really love that as well. It’s just, it’s, it’s powerful stuff.

Victoria Melchor  

And you have to let go. Because remember, when I set my intention to work in my zone of creative genius, I was applying for you UX jobs, right? And nobody was hiring me. And remember, I ended up doing something completely different. That turned out to be and confirmed my sort of creative genius.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

This is where you kind of have to go to episode seven part one of the theory or Victoria talks about her UX experience and how things were not really going her way back to the interview. So, I mean, that’s powerful. It’s just kind of making an intention of being a successful YouTuber, but also having the ability to let go. That’s, I mean, it’s difficult, but I get it. It’s just kind of like doing everything working hard, but be willing to pivot, as new information comes about or new opportunities come about and just kind of staying open to everything.

Victoria Melchor  

And I think a lot of what has to do with it and testing this dangerous advice. I’m not advising anybody to go quit their job in the middle of a pandemic and economic downturn, because right now, like, I’m, I might seem cool on the surface, but I have about three months left, worth the money, right, right, saved in my savings account. So there’s a point where I’m like, oh, where’s this happening? Right, I get it. But I think the only thing that’s within my control right now, and the only thing that I can do right now is do stuff that I Love, right? And do stuff that you know. And then, and that’s why I feel like if you’re going to do that content creation general journey, you have to really love what you’re doing. Because you have to love it enough to let go of whatever outcome comes because you actually have to be open to the outcomes of that. But again, that’s why I’m saying Don’t try this at home.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I mean, it’s true. It’s loving the process loving, like creating Tiktok, videos, Instagram, LinkedIn, even if knowing that it might fail, or knowing that nothing good can come out of it, but loving the loving doing it anyway, I think that’s where a lot of people get confused, or people quit a lot earlier. Because it’s, I didn’t get followers because I made four videos, and nobody liked it. I mean, I’ve heard that I’ve literally heard that exact line, or, you know, I’ve been posting once a week, and I don’t know what else to do. I’ve been doing everything I can. And here I am posting like four times a day. Like this, sometimes I because I mean, I do like the process this even this conversation. I’m just enjoying the conversation with you. I don’t know what’s going to happen with the podcast, right. But it’s just the process. And I do agree. That’s something I have noticed with people who do this more long term versus people who quit a lot earlier. It’s people who quit a lot earlier. It’s like I need the money, or how can I monetize quickly? How do I get more with stuff on so people can buy versus let me just create add value to people that I think this would add value to for now. Experiment test? How can add more value? And then kind of go from there? Yeah, yeah. You spoke a lot about advice. What are what is some bad advice that you’ve gotten? Like, for example, like your even the fact that you’re starting a blog soon? You probably like talked to some people or like even just with any type of content created, like, what are some bad advice that you’ve gotten, that you would like to share? And why do you think it was bad?


Victoria Melchor  

I don’t know. I’m trying to. I don’t know. I can’t think of anything.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

That’s a good thing. If you haven’t gotten any bad advice?

Victoria Melchor  

I mean, I feel like yeah, there’s a lot of bad advice out there. But

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

But yeah, even if it’s related to like, websites, or coffee or something, like is there anything that you hear all the time that you’re like, oh, people have to stop saying that? Not? It’s not

Victoria Melchor  

It’s not really, I think it’s more along the lines of people have to start doing the research. But I know I’ve kind of contradicting myself, because I’ve said just go out and do it. But you said there’s a balance. Yeah, there you go. Exactly. But I feel like I feel like I’ve made this mistake myself before. Back in 2012. I tried the life coaching lifestyle, and it didn’t work out for me. And I think part of it is because I didn’t understand the audience. And I didn’t do any research about the audience, I just put a page out there. And I said, I can help you live the life of your dreams, which is what every other life coach says. And the reason other life coach says that is because they don’t know their audience because they don’t know who they’re talking to. Because they don’t know that maybe they don’t want to live the life of their dreams. Maybe they want to do like, for example, Aaron Aaron’s new direction for her website that I’m working on is is people with the mission, who want to launch a vision.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

And obviously, I’ll help you all out. Aaron’s episodes are episode number two, and three, how to do what you love and get paid for it. If you want to go check out Aaron Baker on this podcast right now. Go ahead and do it back to the interview. Right. So that’s a very different guest, one of the guests on the podcast as well. So yeah, yeah, I

Victoria Melchor  

I think she might talk about this. And that’s very different from helping you live the life of your dreams, which is, you know, and that’s where I think that’s, that’s where copying your competition hurts you. Because then you’re just saying what everybody else is saying when they might not know what they should be saying. And that’s where copywriting comes in. Those conversations you had with people are your copy.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Basically, no, this is great. Again, it ties back really well to what we initially said that if you want to do this long term, try adding some aspects of research some aspects of experimentation, and there’s different methods one one mentioned was sprint. So I really, really liked that I also really liked the conversation we had about like creativity universe, and how you have to let go. So one final question for you. So me again, and I forgot to ask Victoria where you could find her online. Oops. Anywho. So you can find That’s our website. So I x Chele. Creative, true creative with a K. I guess she’s different. This will all be in the show notes. But I want to make sure for those of you that are driving or just listening to this on their commute, you guys have that access to and don’t forget for everyone listening to this episode Victoria is giving a free website audit link in the show notes. Okay, now for we’ll back to the final question. So one final question for you would be what advice would you give your younger self?

Victoria Melchor  

Chill the fuck out? No, I you know, honestly, it’s it’s and I think because I’m going through this right now having quit my job and having income because whenever I was applying for these UX jobs, it was really hard on the ego to get rejection emails and rejection emails and oh, sorry, we didn’t like you. We’re gonna go with somebody else. But I didn’t have a clue. I didn’t have the slightest clue that what I had coming my way was even better. It’s just and I think I think that there’s a lot to be said about. You know, just putting your best foot forward and doing no more until you can just keep going. You can have to just keep going. You have to be open to what comes your way. accept everything. What? Expect nothing, accept everything.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Exactly. Just keep swimming. Just keep saying Yeah. Yeah. It’s me or is that Disney said Pixar.

Victoria Melchor  

I thought they’re the same thing. No,

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I have no idea. Well, either way, since I’m such a big fan. Well, thank you so much for being on the podcast today. 

For those of you who are subscribed already. Thank you so much for subscribing. For those who have not, please hit the subscribe button. And I’m looking forward to seeing you next week. Take care. 

Hey, you. Thanks for listening to Spicy Chai. I really appreciate it. And to make sure you never miss an episode, subscribe to the podcast, the obvious. And if you want to learn more, head over to and until next time.

My friend hit the record button or you know the publish.

Lots of love from your favorite. You’ve got this beautiful!

Lets Connect

Consider me one of your close friends – the kind that’s in your corner giving advice, but it’s still ultimately up to you if you follow it or not. That said, I’m here to stay – cheering and supporting you no matter what path you choose.

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