Mahrukh Imtiaz

Fariz K Ansari

S1-EP018: Dealing with Negative comments like a BOSS with Fariz K Ansari_Part 2

“Numbers are boring and monotonous. Apart from having a 9-5 job, this gives me something else to do. Something I actually want to do.” – FARIZ K ANSARI

#018- In this episode, Fariz and I discuss how saying no was a good strategy.  We talk through the importance of experimentation, what skills Tiktok has taught Fariz, and self-love and acceptance.

Enjoy the episode!

Have a question/comment or just want to chat? Email me at [email protected]

Highlights from this episode: 
[3:07] Tried different things and started saying no
[4:00] Importance of experimentation
[7:00] Skills Fariz has learnt from Tiktok
[14:30] Playing it safe can be beneficial
[25:00] Advice for someone starting their Tiktok journey today

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A little bit about Fariz:

Fariz started his TikTok journey in 2020. He is already touching 20k TikTok followers and has 200,000+ likes! He posts consistent and fun content that gets a lot of engagement and he does that by being his authentic self. He creates content while maintaining a full time job as an Auditor. In his own words,  he is an auditor by day and fulfilling his acting dream through TikTok by night.


Fariz K Ansari  

Think oh yeah, this is magical, like the moment so, so something which can actually, I Okay, I saw this fact, somewhere is that especially with social media, so if you are viewing videos, the first 10 seconds 5 10 seconds yeah, the first few seconds exactly, I don’t remember. But that is the time when either you’re gonna make it or break it.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

You are listening to the Spicy Chai podcast. I’m your host, Mahrukh Imtiaz. And I’m on a journey to create inspiring, helpful and meaningful content. This podcast is not going to showcase high-profile individuals spouting hollow advice like find your passion or hustle harder. Instead, my mission is to bring you the voices of people who are just a bit ahead of you. People you can relate to, and the people who will inspire you to put your own voice out there. 

So grab your cup of Spicy Chai, and let’s get this show started.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Hello, folks, this is episode 14. And this is part two of the two-part series with my interview with Fariz Ansari. So if you want to listen to part one, you can go to Episode 13. This is where Farizt talks about negative comments how Tiktok is a little different in Pakistan. And he talks about his journey from zero to 20k. And what kind of things he’s done to move from 4000 to 20,000. that has really helped him. Definitely worth checking out anywho back to Episode 14.

Fariz K Ansari  

I think my journey actually has seen all those but but I only believed in one thing is exploring more coming out of the actual is what I can do different. And I think that’s how I started to see development in the numbers as well. Yeah,

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Yeah and let’s let’s stay in that space and break that down a little bit like so when you went to Pakistan, you notice the content was very different. So if I got that correct, then you decided that okay, you know what, in different countries continents different so I have to keep trying different things. So would you go and look at tick tock Pakistan or tick tock Bahrain or would you just kind of like how did you how did how were you different? What brought that inspiration?

Fariz K Ansari  

I think it was it was playing along? Because I want to Yeah, I wanted to see whether I can be part of the crowd or not. Whether whether uncomfortable doing this or not. Especially going with slumbers, you know, dressing up good. You know, add information to it. I tried doing that. But then I was like, Nah, that’s not my thing. Okay, sorry. I cannot do this. Going back to more of drama. I was like no. Specially doing something which is very typecast, you know, like very much scripted. No, I can’t do this. Because, for me, everything comes naturally. I don’t write down. Oh, okay, I have to do this. Now. Step one, step two, step three. It’s very natural. That just comes up. That goes a lot of my brainstorming, I would say. So the process. Shall I just go into that? Yeah, I’d love to.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Hello, this is background mark. And I think it’s so important to listen to what Fariz is saying is that he experimented different styles, he watch what was happening in terms of what people in his industry were doing, or his niche were doing, or people who were creating similar videos, what they were doing, and then he experimented all those different styles. And then when he realized what wasn’t working, he said no to that. I think that’s so important and shows why he’s at 20,000 followers today is because he keeps experimenting, and then makes a decision on what works for him and what doesn’t he takes action first and then decides doesn’t always just stay in his brain. I think that’s an important part to mention. Anywho back to the interview. Okay,

Fariz K Ansari  

Okay so more of like browsing the TikTok videos, and I’m like, Okay, so just keep on viewing them viewing them. Okay, okay. And I’m like, okay, so this is new, okay? This is something different. Apart from the crowd, because everyone is posting one video constant, you know, that goes on, name, name anything. And then I’m like, Okay, this is different. I’ve done that. Okay. As soon as something comes up. I’m like, Okay, I want to do this. Okay, I did it. And then I’m like, Okay, I’m done. Just leave us leave it aside. At times, some of our followers keep on saying, Hey, do you want to post this more about it? I’m like, No, I just posted once. I don’t want to recreate something else out of it. But I think it comes very naturally. So I’m more of like on the brainstorming session. Like, if I’m viewing a video, I just think like, Okay, do I want to dance? Do I want to like act on it? How do I want to do something just like in the mode of just like entertaining? Or having a message to the end? I’m like, No, I just want to entertain. Okay, so do I need to get up and dress up something like, okay, so how about that? Not to forget, there have been so many people involved. I want to thank them, especially my neighbors, who have been so much supportive. Like my friend. Yeah, my landlady. By me nieces and nephews, my all other friends, colleagues. They’ll be like, Oh, why don’t you do this? Get up? Why don’t you try this costume? You know, let’s just get you something this, oh, we’re gonna find this. And they’re like, Oh, why don’t you search this place? Or? And then it just goes on to it. Yeah. Yeah. That’s,

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

That’s amazing. And I think, I think support in anything we do that requires courage is so important. And people don’t understand how important it is like I always tell people go find support. Because when you’re doing something, that’s the scary, you’re putting yourself out there, right? Constantly, you need people on your side. And a few things you said there like earlier, you mentioned a little bit about like, when you started posting on YouTube, you realize you’re missing editing skills, and then you kind of switched to Tik Tok, and you know, you’ve found your groove now you started feeling a little scared, but you found your groove. So what are some of those skills that you have learned through posting on tick tock, consecutively? Some maybe soft skills, and then maybe some hard technical skills that you would say you’ve learned from doing this?

Fariz K Ansari  

Technical more of like, posting at the right time? In terms of like, you know, the, let’s say, it’s comic. So when you and it goes the same with editing as well. So editing, and posting with the flow came at the same time, and gradually. So that’s how I started to learn and explore. Because it’s totally fine. If first three, four or five videos of yours, don’t go? Well, at least you’re trying right? And then it start to, you know, improve more further. So I think editing then just came up. Specially with the comic thing, like you need to have did it within the app? Yes, within the app, I have not used any other app other than Tiktok for editing. Because they’re friendly, right? It is user friendly. A lot of my friends are asking me, Hey, why don’t you use this app or this app? And I’m like, okay, and I was like, No, I this is not for me, I don’t want to do this, then came up with more of like exploring the features of the app itself. So we are the app has wonderful features, you know, anything that you can just name it, you can see within the effects or whatever you want to do. So then come to soft skills. And I think that has a lot to do with myself. In terms of my self acceptance, in terms of my self confidence, in terms of in terms of just loving myself, in terms of like seeing that. Yes, there is so much love out there, you just need to see exactly from the lens, which not just you want to see. But there’s so much more, right. And I think that self praise that just comes along. Then comes the time when you know how to write stuff, especially for the right audience. And that is exactly naming your captions using the right hashtags. Oh. Yeah. So

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

So like, how you start your video, like transitions? Yeah, exactly.


Fariz K Ansari  

Transitions and all this stuff. So and I think this is something which I was like, oh, yeah, this is magical. Like the moment so so something which can actually i Okay, I saw this fact, somewhere is that, especially with social media, so if you are viewing videos, the first 10 seconds 510 seconds. Yeah, the first few seconds exactly. Remember, but that is the time when either you’re gonna make it or break it

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Yeah, I think it’s now like first three seconds or something. Yeah,

Fariz K Ansari  

Yeah something. Yeah. So yeah, so that is the time exactly. You want to capture someone’s attention. It’s just those few seconds and obviously, let’s say if you’re going only with 15 seconds, okay, as an option on a video, so it has to be very precise and something either you can do anything within those three seconds. Having said that it’s appropriate and as matches with your video content. So I think that’s something which I really learned. And I think, being completely fine and accepting the trolls and responding to them and, and just exploring the app. Yeah.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I love that. And I want to touch on like, that self love and self acceptance piece you mentioned, how long did it take you to get there? And what exactly was it about creating content that helped you get there? Because that’s something that a lot of people want to get to like, obviously, it’s a journey, and I’m pretty sure you’re on journey as well. But like, you know, it’s what, where, where wasn’t the moment of you creating content that you were like, Okay, I think I’m getting more confident, or I’m loving myself more. And what do you think were those things where tick tock kind of came into play there?

Fariz K Ansari  

There’s a few things that came into first is I think I want to give credit to one of the leading content creator, which is no more on tick tock. I don’t know that he’s why. Yeah. So she was an inspiration to me because of exactly the same origin country as Pakistan. And she was she was on fire, dude. Like, she was, she was like, there on spot on every video. I mean, I could I could be like, how is she so perfect? Like, she would just sit normal without makeup. Just be there. And and the way she used to speak. It was very real. I was like, yeah, she’s not faking it up. It’s all real. And then I remember through one of her videos, where she was like, I want to see emerging content creators coming up. And then and then she was like, I’m going to boost you, you know, and I was like, okay, so that means shall I be confident and like, what I want to do, because I was still playing safe. And I was like, okay, because there’s a lot of people in the community who are following me, and is it okay, because I’m more of like, on professional side, but then how that that 10 line, right? Where you have to be casual professional, and I’m like, Okay, how do I do that? And juggling with it? So I realized, no, I think if I’m on this platform, it means it’s different. It’s not LinkedIn. Okay? If not, then then I’m not sitting in my office. That’s the difference. And I was like, okay, so that means yes, I’ve I have my own personal private life, okay. And I decided, okay, fine, let’s just keep my private life apart from this platform, which I tried my all best is to do it. But But I think that one leading content creator, she gave me the strength. And also I was viewing my videos, you know, as I was browsing and scrolling through, that they have been on the same pattern. I mean, like, there’s nothing new. And I was like, okay, for how long? Is this gonna go? They one or two months? Like, for how long? And I was like, No, this this is isn’t a breaking silence for me. And then I did one video, which I still remember is about recreating a scene from Dave does. Yeah. Yeah. Bollywood film, and love that movie. And that scene was very iconic. And I remember I turned it into 2020. Scene. Yeah, with a twist. And that that was trending. And I was like, Oh, my God, what did I do?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

That’s the power of innovation. Right?

Fariz K Ansari  

Yeah, exactly. It’s like, the same, the same idea. Believe in yourself. Think about it. And I was like, Okay, are you ready for it’s just posted? I was like, Okay, do it. Yeah.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I think that like, again, I love how self reflective you are. I love that you’re looking at your videos. And you’re constantly like, Hey, I think I’m being too monotonous right now I need to change things up. Or, you know, here, here, this is where I have to be a bit more daring. I love that. I think that’s what is part of part of your success is you constantly being like, How can I be different? How can I make sure I’m doing things differently? And what you did say a few times that you’ve when you started off, you’re playing you played it safe? How would you have changed that if you had to start if you’re going to start today? Would you tell forest today? Hey, don’t play it safe, or do you think that was the right thing to do?

Fariz K Ansari  

I think what is the right thing to do? To be honest? Yeah. The only reason is because especially when you are new at a platform, and especially, you’re starting off you are shaky. Everyone, I don’t know like, in my opinion, and I think either you are too daring. Everyone’s different, right? So either if you don’t care at all, and you’re like, Okay, fine. You know, to get ahead, like, who cares, and I’m just gonna do it. That’s fine. Okay, thumbs up. But for me, and especially for other content creators who are just starting off, and because it takes courage and time to be out of action, and to do something different out of the box, and you know, like, to go through this journey, I think, this whole process, and I think if I would have not played safe, I would have been very much affected in terms of my self confidence, self acceptance, in terms of like, being myself in terms of like, okay, you know, I might have like, left the app, I would have left it out. I was like, No, this is all my place. And this is exactly where it happens, right? I think everything do has its own boundaries. And, and certainly, I realized it through the terms and conditions, or I would say, the guidelines of the applicant by its own. And I was like, yeah, the application guidelines are there, right. So to see whether it’s the content is appropriate or not, because if it’s not appropriate, it’s not going to be there. So, so yeah. Yeah. So I think playing safe would be the best thing, I would still suggest to myself, because I think it’s a journey on its own. Because everything comes with time. And when it comes, you just look back, and you’re like, yeah, it’s worth the effort.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I love that. I love that you you’re feeling like it is and we spoke about, like some skills that you’ve already developed. Thanks to tick tock, what do you think you need to develop now to take you to the next level? What skills do you think you develop?

Fariz K Ansari  

I think it’s more on the technical side now. Yeah, that’s where I think I need boost, I have started viewing all those wonderful content creators with with big numbers and, and I’m trying to see their videos as how they’re doing. And then I’m realizing it’s a lot to do with editing itself on its own. Because I have been very much in comfort with the application, editing, you know, tools that it has, but I think I need to get out of that and look into it. Because I do see the same energy. I’m not I cannot compare myself with them. But dude, I’m not doing right. I think, yeah. I just need to do something different. And I think right now. It’s, it’s more on the technical side, for me to improve and do something different. Yeah, to

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

To like, see bigger, right? Grow, grow a bit more. And you spoke about going live. I know, we’re live right now as well. So when you do go live, like what is that experience like for you? And I because I want to encourage people who have that option to go live more often? Like, what advice would you pass on there?

Fariz K Ansari  

Yes. Um, so I remember like, the time when I got live option, I, I was like, going live every day.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Oh, nice. People watching you or people not? What was that? Like?

Fariz K Ansari  

Okay, okay. So it was wonderful. Like, I started to make friends actually going live. I do have friends who, who just became like, one of those, you know, people watching me even right now. And something that I’m like, Okay, this actually happens. It’s something that I learned, like, I think, after a month, or more than that, yeah. Around two months that I realized, no, you don’t have to do it too frequent. And plus, the challenging part was, which I realized after some time, was you need to have something on life. Okay. Exactly. So I cannot just sit in my bed and just like stare at online like okay, so it was like, Okay. What is it okay, or just like, put my camera on and just go to bed and just sleep and someone’s snoring and they’re like, 20k people watching and I’m like, What is going on?

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Where what are these people doing? Yeah, exactly. I can relate.

Fariz K Ansari  

Yeah. And then I was like, okay, so I need to have something because I started coming up with different things. You know, like, since I started developing this hobby of cooking, and I started showing my cooking skills on life. Hey, I’m cooking today this Hey, I’m cooking today this and I was like, okay, cooking is done next day. What do I do? Okay, self care, like something to talk about beauty II products or something to give a review on as like, Okay, this is done. So I keep putting a tick mark on everything that was doing. I was like, Okay, this is done, then what about my videos that I’m posting? Is it like going same different? And also similar

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Similar to your lives? You mean? Exactly posting? Okay. And then when you say this done You mean like it was done by you? Or do you mean it was done by other?

Fariz K Ansari  

By? Yeah, so I was like, No, this is done. I was like, okay, and then I realized no, I need to go live when it’s appropriate. At the same time, if I have to talk about something important, let’s say a social issue that’s coming up, or there’s something that is more meaningful, right? If I have to show my cooking skills, or if I have to show something, okay, yes, if I’m at a certain event, or something that’s happening, you know, when you just want to share it live. I hope we can see the fireworks this year, so. So I can, I can go live and just show show it to all my followers and fans, but but something that’s out of routine, fine, you know, to talk something more meaningful, constructive. And I think people were having this option now, because Tiktok has devised this policy where you can go live more frequently, right, and especially more easily for new content creators, it has been a mobile. So I think I in my view, and suggestion is to use it for the right purpose more constructively rather than like doing something just Yeah, exactly.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Like use it. Like when you actually have something to say versus just going live and just sitting there and saying nothing and expecting followers to direct conversation. Yes.

Fariz K Ansari  

Yes, yeah. I think the more important thing, which I really felt it’s a feel it’s a blessing is it’s like your performance manager. Okay, just the same thing. Like because I started using this as my feedback, how I’m doing, how can I improve myself, I think this slide. Because, because because people are coming in and and I remember like, I used to have this chat with them and ask, Hey, what do I need to do next? Can you please tell me? Do you think my videos are getting more, you know, boring every day or what have not tried? What do I need to do? And I used to note down the feedback, especially, because people can be like, hey, you know, you need to do some dancing, you have not done I’m like, No, that’s not my comfort zone. And then I was like, okay, there, right. And then I posted okay out of it. Because I was like, okay, there I have not done this. Let me see how does this work? Is it my thing or not? Because that’s how I think I started to noticing, you know, the change that was coming in with my within my content. Yeah.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I love that. I really love that. And I think this has been like such an eye opening experience in conversation for me as well because again, I’m listening to all these things. I’m like, Ooh, how can I apply that to my own pain? So you know, we talk from two fears of what how you want to play safe and how I’ve This is the first time I’ve heard anyone say that it was a good decision to play it safe in the beginning, because when you’re new you’re learning so it’s a different perspective. It’s one I haven’t heard before. So I’m always open to that always open to different perspectives. I loved how you talked about how this journey has taken you to self love and self acceptance. And honestly, I see you on Tik Tok and I see how engaged you are with your followers and it shows that you genuinely care and I can see the different types of videos you try and I honestly you’re inspiring me to like look into my content and being like alright, what is something different Moroccan tried today, so I’m definitely taking that and before my final question today far is where can our listeners today connect with you?

Fariz K Ansari  

They can connect with me on Tik Tok first and foremost. So my ID is FOD is gay Ansari, fa ri Zed, K. Ansari and Sa ra. My name is pronounced differently by everyone so yes, I know. Yeah. Freeze phrase fit is. Yeah, so So yes, you can find me on Tik Tok and definitely I’m on Instagram but I do not reply often. And one more thing I do.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Often on Instagram when you do a reply often on Tik Tok. I do want to add back Yes.

Fariz K Ansari  

Yes. And having said that it’s appropriate messages when? Yes.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

100% We’ve all been victims to those all kinds of messages. So yeah. So we totally totally understand that. Yeah. Yeah. Final question for you far is for someone who just starting their Tik Tok journey today, you know, and they want to become an actor and they want to produce content that entertains people, what is some advice that you would give to them?

Fariz K Ansari  

It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to have all your insecurities. We are all human beings. It’s fine, that you’re not perfect. It’s fine that you don’t have a perfect face. You don’t have a good voice. But you never know. You can be an inspiration for anyone. You can be someone that someone can actually forward your video and say, Hey, check this person out. I think that’s how things start to roll in and make a difference.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

I agree. And I absolutely absolutely love what you said. It doesn’t matter what you look like. It doesn’t matter what you sound like. You don’t know who you’re impacting. So put your voices out there. Absolutely. Love that. Thank you so much for your hours.


Fariz K Ansari  

Thank you so much. Thank you. It was it was wonderful speaking to you today. I have been like waiting for this conversation. And I had a lot to talk about it. I really hope for all the new, upcoming, and content creators who out there, they would have benefited some way from all what I’ve said. I didn’t mean to pinpoint anyone. And it was all generic as observation for what all I said in my experience. And if I had said something wrong, I would like to apologize if I had said apologies

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Don’t say that. No, you were yourself. You know, I know your intentions are always good. So I will I will add that in for everyone listening. So thank you. Thank

Fariz K Ansari  

Thank you so much. Thank you, Mahrukh.

Mahrukh Imtiaz  

Of course of course and for everyone that’s listening today if there’s anything that Fariz said today that inspired you, please share the podcast link and subscribe or follow us now Apple calls it so thank you and we’ll see you next week. You got this beautiful! 

Hey, you thanks for listening to Spicy Chai I really appreciate it. And to make sure you never miss an episode subscribe to the podcast, the obvious. And if you want to learn more, head over to and until next time.

My friend hit the record button or you know the publish lots of love from your favorite. You’ve got this beautiful!

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